There are over 30 variants of Whales and dolphins which are found in the waters next to Hawaiian Islands. Some of the Hawaiian water mammals are Spotted Dolphin, Spinner dolphin, Fin Whale, Melon Headed Whale, short-finned pilot whale and Pygmy killer whale. These are somehow native to Hawaiian region and can be located all around the year among Hawaiian waters.
On the other hand, Hawaii attracts a huge number of tourists who want to see non-native humpback whales which are immigrating to Hawaii for 5 to 6 months. One major attraction in Hawaii for first timers is to see humpbacks during the whale season. You must be wondering that what is the best time to visit Hawaii for watching humpback whales as you do not want to miss the opportunity to see the huge creatures.
Hawaiian islands are famous breeding grounds for females and the new-born calves of humpbacks. Over 10000 humpback whales arrive to the shores of Hawaii in the winter season (November to March) from Alaska. Humpback whales, also known as Kohala, can be as long as 60 feet. These can be seen diving into the Hawaiian waters, even from the shores, during the peak season .
Every year Humpbacks in Hawaii are starting to be visible at the shores from the month of October. Their visibility increases with each passing month and the largest number of whales are seen between mid-January to March.

Whale diving in Maui
Best months for whale watching in Hawaii
If you want to see huge number of Kohala on your first Hawaii trip, you must plan your trip in the winter season. i.e. the recommended months to see whales in Hawaii are December, January, February and March. Aside from these months, there are slight chances to see Kohalas in Hawaiian waters during months of October and November. In other months, its a rare chance to see the humpbacks from the shores.
Whale watching from Seashores of Hawaii
Now you know which months are best for Hawaii whale watching, the next question is which island is good to watch lot of humpback whales in the peak season. As the historical statistics tells us, the corridor between Lahaina (Maui) and Lanai Island is favourite destination of humpback whales for breeding their young calves. It is estimated the during the peak season, more than 75% of whales are staying closer to this area.

Watching Kohala from Maui Seashore
Best Island to watch humpbacks
The best place in Hawaii with maximum density of Humpback whales is northern-western side of Maui island. Based upon statistic from 2019, a huge number of whales could be seen close to Lahaina in Maui. On the southern side of Maui, the shorelines of Kihei and Maalaea had huge number of Kohalas in the February and March. Without any doubt, the recommended Hawaiian island for Kohala watching from shore is Maui.
There are numerous areas which you can visit to watch whales in Maui from the seashores. These starts from Kaanapali beach on the northern western part of Maui and continues to the south. Major places to watch humpbacks in Maui are Lahaina, Launiupoko, Olowalu, Maalaea Bay, Kihei, Wailea and Makena State Beach Park. Therefore, if you want to see Kohala from the shores, the best island is Maui.
You must be wondering if it is possible to see humpback whales from shores of other Hawaiian islands in peak season. The answer is Yes. Off course, there are very few areas where you have chances of spotting humpback whales in peak season. If you happen to be on Kauai for whale watching between January and March, you may still be lucky to see humpback whales from the shores. Although their density is not so high as in Maui, but their numbers are considerable.
Whale watching in Kauai
For whale watching in Kauai Island, Kilauea Lighthouse is the top destination where whales can be frequently seen during the peak season. Anini beach and Sealodge beach which are on the northern part of Kauai, and east of Kilauea Lighthouse is also worth visiting for whale watching from shores in Kauai.
Hanalei Bay on the northern part of Kauai is also a good place where some whales can be spotted from far in peak season, but not a must. Whale lovers can have a chance watching humpbacks in Kauai on Poipu beach, which is extreme southern part of the Island.
Eastern part of Kauai have two spots which are good for whale watching from shores in peak season. These are Papaaa Bay and Kealia Beach.
Whale watching from Big Island of Hawaii
The best option for seashore whale watching in Big Island of Hawaii is possible on the northern western coastline. Starting from Kohala Coast towards the northern side of the island, Humpbacks whales can be seen from the shores at Hapuna Beach State Park, Puukohola Heiau National Historic Site and Kawaihae. Another option to watch humpback whales at the very island is Hilo.
Whale watching in Oahu
For whale watching in Oahu, the southern shores of Oahu offer good views in the whale season. Starting from Diamond Head, China Walls , Hanauma Bay, Sandy Beach and Makapuu Beach park, you will have frequent sites of humpback whales.
As you are already excited to know about Humpbacks that you will see on your next Hawaiian trip, you must be wondering, what are the right times to see humpbacks. Irrespective of the island, the best time to see whales in Hawaii is between 11AM to 3 PM. Although the post is about the various locations in Hawaii to see the whales form the short. There are numerous options to see whales from close up, i.e. around 100 meters using guided tours.